Community Preservation Committee


The Committee typically meets on the fourth Wednesday at 7 p.m. of each month, or as required. All meetings are open to the public. This year's meeting schedule can be found here

Next Meeting: 

  • Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024
  • Location: Wrentham Senior Center, 400 Taunton St.

Links to the current year's agendas and meeting minutes can be found via the following link. 

2024 Project Submission Deadlines:

  1. Application Part 1 - Eligibility - due by May 15, 2024

  2. Application Part 2 - Funding - due by June 12, 2024

  3. Project presentations - June/July 2024

  4. Project decisions made - Oct. 2024


Applicant Guide to Wrentham CPC

Resident Guide to Wrentham CPC



Name Title  Term Expires
Robin Cuddy, Chair Citizen-at-Large 2025
Mark Cuddy Recreation Commission  2026 
Jane D'Amico Citizen-at-Large  2027
Mary Hepburn Open Space Committee 2027
William Harrington, Vice Chair Board of Selectmen 2025
Leo Immonen Conservation Commission 2026
Alan Richard Housing Authority 2025
Lisa Bailey, Clerk Historical Commission  2027 
Charles Woodhams Planning Board 2026


Roles & Responsibilities

"The Community Preservation Committee shall study the needs, possibilities, and resources of the Town regarding community preservation. The Committee shall consult with existing municipal boards, including the Conservation Commission, the Historical Commission, the Planning Board, the Board of Park Commissioners, the Open Space Committee, the Recreation Committee, and the Housing Authority. As part of its study, the Committee shall hold one or more public informational hearings each year on the needs, possibilities and resources of the town regarding community preservation possibilities and resources, ..." 

Town of Wrentham General Code, Chapter 120, Community Preservation Committee

Acceptance of the Community Preservation Act

At the November 8, 2016 election, the Town of Wrentham voted to accept the Community Preservation Act (Chapter 44B, Sections 3 to 7).

Wrentham's Community Preservation Committee, or "CPC", was created Wrentham Town Code, Chapter 120 to administer Wrentham's Community Preservation Fund (see link in sidebar).

Community Preservation Plan - 2024

The CPC consists of nine members as follows:

One representative from each of the following seven boards and committees:
Historical Commission
Open Space Committee
Recreation Commission
Planning Board
Conservation Commission
Board of Selectmen
Housing Authority

Plus two citizens-at-large.


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