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What's New Summary - March 28th
Published on Mar 28, 2024 14:07

What's New Summary - March 28, 2024

Annual Town Election Information 

The Election will be held on Monday, April 1, 2024 from 7AM to 8PM at Delaney Elementary School (120 Taunton Street). 

Annual Town Election Infographic

Town Shares Information About Proposition 2 1/2 Debt Exclusion Vote on April 1 Town Election Ballot

The Town of Wrentham, in the interest of updating the community in advance of the April 1 Annual Town Election, wishes to provide the following information regarding a Proposition 2 1/2 debt exclusion question on the ballot for the Town's allocable share of the Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical School District's $183 million bonds. Read more here.

Tri County Project Debt Exclusion Graphic  

North Attleborough, Plainville and Wrentham Welcome Veterans Agent Melissa Bingham

North Attleborough Town Manager Michael Borg, Plainville Town Administrator Brian Noble and Wrentham Town Manager Kevin Sweet would like to welcome Melissa Bingham to her new role as North Attleborough, Plainville and Wrentham?s Veterans Agent.
Bingham began her new role on Monday, March 25. In this role, Bingham will provide support to veterans and their families in the North Attleborough, Plainville and Wrentham communities. She succeeds Veterans Agent Stephen Travers who retired from the position at the end of January. Read more here. 


MBTA Communities Zoning 

Learn more about MBTA Communities Zoning Law on our MBTA Communities Project Page. Check out this Interactive Mapping Tool provided by MAPC to deep dive into Wrentham's MBTA Communities Act District Suitability Analysis. We've created this Brief User Guide to walk you through the mapping tool. 

MBTA Communities Info Graphic

Volunteer Opportunities 

Are you interested in getting involved in our community? If so, we have an excellent opportunity that may interest you!

The Zoning Board of Appeals is seeking interested volunteers to join! There are currently 4 (four) vacancies, 2 (two) full members and  2 (two) associate members. The Zoning Board of Appeals is the permit granting authority in Wrentham. They have the authority to hear and decide petitions for appeals of zoning orders and decisions made by the Building Commissioner, variances with respect to land or structures, Special Permits for certain projects as allowed for in the Zoning By-laws, and Comprehensive Permits under Chapter 40B of the Massachusetts General Laws. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Select Board or Land Use Offices. 

There are 2 (two) vacancies on the Wrentham Commission on Disability. Members serve a 2 year staggered term and the Commission has a total of 5 members.

Fill out the Board/Committee/Commission application and return to the Select Board office either in person, via mail, or email at [email protected] 

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